Carla Friesen / Carla Friesen Counselling & Coaching / ©2020 carlafriesen
Aug 17, 20214 min read
How do you Know When to Push Your Child?
by Carla Friesen (Chronic Pain Coach, Licensed Psychotherapist) ©2021 * I don’t know if there is a straightforward answer to this. But...

Carla Friesen / Carla Friesen Counselling & Coaching / ©2020 carlafriesen
May 21, 20213 min read
Maybe We Shouldn't Always Keep our Eye on the Prize
by Carla Friesen (Licensed Psychotherapist, Pain Coach, Teacher) "Sometimes we need to loosen our grip on the outcome to start becoming...

Carla Friesen / Carla Friesen Counselling & Coaching / ©2020 carlafriesen
May 12, 20212 min read
Maybe This is the Way My Story Goes Today
by Carla Friesen (Licensed Psychotherapist, Pain Coach, Certified Teacher) Sometimes it helps me to take a step back and look at my life...