Slow and Steady. Consistent and Predictable.

When our kids have chronic pain we can get frantic. Frantic to find the root cause and frantic to find the right treatment, specialist, medication, supplement, or food allergy that relieves the pain. If we are lucky, we find that one thing. But more often than not it remains elusive and we get stuck in that frantic mode.
That desperation, that adrenaline, that mama (or papa) bear energy, that determination to not stop until we find something is part of our fight or flight mode. And when we are in survival mode it can be hard to think calmly and logically.
It can become far easier to research what will help our kids (or ourselves) than to actually put it into practice. One big obstacle is our nervous systems. They have become so high strung that it is hard to choose slow paced consistency. Daily practices don’t seem to work fast enough. We’d rather have a pill or an injection that is faster acting.
Unfortunately, the quick fixes don’t usually work long term. And quick fixes don’t usually help a nervous system that has been on high alert for so long (ours and our kids’). Our systems need slow and steady. Predictable and consistent.
Weekly, manageable goals for regaining function.
Pacing to minimize flare-ups.
Daily practices to ease the nervous system.
It is simple. But not easy. Because slow and consistent is hard.
But slow and consistent has been the only thing that has ever worked for us. A slow return to function is the only way that Greta has been able to become functional again. Daily mind-body practices are the only exercises that have helped her body become less reactive to bright lights, loud sounds, and changes in stress levels.
A nervous system on high alert needs a lot of predictability and consistency to let down its guard. I am realizing that in all areas of our lives (nutrition, exercise, career, relationships, parenting). Small daily steps are the answer.
The trick is to switch our focus from our big goals (pain-free, get back to volleyball, lose 20 lbs, keep my house clean) to the small, manageable, daily goals (5 min walk, drink one extra glass of water, put the clothes in the washing machine). And then celebrating the accomplishment of those small goals! In time, they add up.
Slow and steady. Consistent and Predictable. It is not exciting. But it is often the only thing that works.
Let me know if you need support on your journey.
~ Carla
The general contents of this website are provided solely for educational and informational purposes and are not meant to provide professional medical or psychiatric advice, counselling or therapeutic services.