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What if We Do All We Can and the Pain Persists?

What happens when we are doing all we can and the pain still persists???!!! We just keep doing all that we can.

I realized one morning a few months ago that I can take all the steps it takes to be a healthy, pain-free person (exercise, eat clean, meditate, socialize, hydrate etc) and STILL have pain. The result of being pain-free is not guaranteed.

And then I started to think this kind of is true for everyone… We can do all the steps it takes to get a great job, but it doesn’t guarantee we will get a great job. We can do all the steps it takes to find a great partner in life, but it doesn’t guarantee we will find a great partner.

We can take all the steps we can do build our wealth, but you never know what happens in life. Taking all the steps doesn’t guarantee we will be wealthy. You take all the steps you can and MAYBE you will get the gift at the end. It isn’t guaranteed.

HOWEVER, there is little to zero chance you will get the gift if you DON'T take all the steps you can. I would rather take the steps knowing I am doing all I can, whether or not I get the gift. So I set small goals, reward myself, pace myself, ease my nervous system, eat healthy, move my body regularly, and work with my team of specialists. And so does our daughter, Greta.

And if, by chance, our pain lessens, we are thankful for that gift.

All of us are in this together. Doing all we can. In hopes of lessening the pain. Some of us will get the gift at different times. But we will keep taking the steps together knowing that we are giving ourselves the best chance of living a life with less pain.

~ Carla

The general contents of this website are provided solely for educational and informational purposes and are not meant to provide professional medical or psychiatric advice, counselling or therapeutic services.


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